These photos were 4-years-old. 😀 Good thing I have them uploaded on Facebook…I’ve been digging old photos, statuses and notes on FB when I saw this. Perfect entry for Messy go round. 🙂
It was a perfect Autumn day – just the right weather – comfortably sunny and windy that going around Disneyland is fun instead of tiring. We had breakfast, a full one, at the hotel so all of us have the energy to go about. The kids love hotel buffets so I don’t have to worry about them getting hungry because they’d munch on everything on a breakfast buffer especially when served on a boat!
There’s a wide selection of cold cuts, cheeses, breads, cerals, milk and juices to choose from. I can’t remember though if there’s rice. 🙂 The buffer starts at 7 in the morning so we woke up real early to accommodate our tummies full and be able to arrive at Disneyland just in time for opening too.
I can’t remember what we had for lunch that day but I bet we had sausages and fries – sold at one of western-style stores. At around 4 PM we passed by an ice cream store and then 4-year-old C requested for some…a few minutes after and he looks like this:
Walking Tours Rome says
C looks just like I used to after an ice cream cone when I was little – my dad used to tell me that I could always manage to get it everywhere BUT in my mouth! 🙂